I cannot believe Emma is 3 weeks old already!
We are doing great, she is growing, and I am adjusting to being a mom of a little vulnerable human being...
My hubby went overseas on Monday evening and will only be back next week Thursday, so for the moment I'm staying with my parents. I am really missing him, but it is fun being with my family and having lots of helping hands around... early in the morning my mom fetches her from my room (to give me an hour's extra sleep) and puts her into the bed with her granddad - it is so cute to see her sleeping in such a huge bed!
Today her cousin came to visit, we went for our customary Thursday-afternoon walk with the two of them in their strollers, and they were wearing the same outfit!! It was ADORABLE!! (see picture!)
I am slowly getting back in shape, cannot wait to start running again... think that I will start short runs in between the walking from next week. Comrades 2009... in 261 days... who knows...? :)