I cannot believe it has been almost a month since my last post! You would think with being on maternity leave and having 'lots of time' at home I would get to blogging more often... alas... But as from today I will make a concerted effort to post an update at least once a week - at the speed that Emma is growing and developing there will be more than enough weekly news!!
The past three weeks have been one big happy joyful time. I am enjoying motherhood more than I ever hoped! I find myself babbling and cooing and telling Emma 'stories' for what feels like hours... she is so cute and smily and full of surprising reactions I just can't stop! :) Since my last post she is now really babbling, almost making conversation - she makes a sound, I respond, and so we continue until she laughs out loud! I feel like my heart can burst with love for this little human being...
Concerning our activities, we are still going to our weekly postnatal classes, we started a baby-massage course (and enjoying EVERY moment of our daily massage time!!), we went to the movies three times (!), we visit the families, we go walking/jogging with Emma in her stroller... overall we are keeping quite busy! There is hardly a day without 'plans' :)
I am starting to feel more like my old active self. Still have about 7kgs to get rid of (and they seem to be quite reluctant to leave!) but I am exercising, trying to eat healthy and (inevitably, while breastfeeding) drink LOTS and LOTS of water. And I am definitely feeling better. My C-section scar has healed beautifully and I do not experience any pain while training. But oh my word, the belly... it is going to take WORK to get rid of the belly!!
Went swimming in the gym pool this week, after not doing any swimming training for some years(!).. and it felt surprisingly good! For those of you who do not know, I used to be quite a serious swimmer in my 'young days'... and it was a funny experience to be proud of finishing 1km of swimming when I used to average 5-7km per training session... But good! And then this afternoon I ran/walked 5km with Emma in the stroller, in less than 40minutes. So, I think there is hope! I am trying to get my dad to swim the Midmar mile with me in February 2009 (his idea originally!) and I might decide to join a friend to run the Two Oceans Half marathon in April. Comrades, well, that will have to wait for a next time, maybe 2010.
I am slowly but surely starting to face the reality of having to go back to work. Seven weeks... I cannot believe it is getting close enough to almost start counting down... But for the moment I am making 100% sure that I enjoy EVERY moment I spend with Emma, feeling very priviledged that I have maternity leave for four months, and not stressing too much yet. That time will come all too soon. Still in two minds about the whole issue of breastfeeding and working... Oh, the issues that a new mom ponders about in the wee hours of the morning...
Talk again SOON, and I will post a few new pics of my happy little smiling bundle of joy!!