Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas has come and gone... and I am, for the moment, enjoying time at home with hubby and little monkey! My first three weeks back at work went well. Aside from a few moments of intense emotion (missing the little one!) and worry, I coped well, and Emma is thriving.
I have been on leave now again for the past week. All Emma's grandparents are on leave so we are a bit lonely in good old Pretoria, but it is really just a time of rest and relaxation and enjoying quality as well as quantity time with little Emma.
She is growing and developing SO quickly! She is rolling over from back to tummy with ease, and this morning passed her rattle from one hand to the other(!), also babbling and laughing and 'making conversation'..., grabbing and examining her feet (she hasn't put them into her mouth quite yet!), and sitting very well with a bit of support... :)
Yesterday we went jogging to the gym and back (to do the good old card-swipe...) a full 13km's with Emma in the baby-jogger that we borrowed. It was FAR but so much fun! I have ordered our own jogger that will be arriving the 5th of January :) looking forward to a lot of good runs...

We had a quiet and very enjoyable Christmas day. Before the families went on holiday we had two huge Christmas celebrations with them (consecutive nights!) with good food and company and lots of presents... so on the 25th we just enjoyed being at home, the three of us. We went to church, then came home and had starters in the garden, had an early braai for lunch, and later the afternoon Emma had her first taste of solid food (butternut!) that wasn't extremely successful ;)

Otherwise doing very well, starting to make plans for the new year, and overall just enjoying the last bit of 2008 basking in the happy glow of motherhood!

Monday, December 8, 2008


It is Monday again and, yes!, I survived the whole of my first back-to-work-week, including my first 26-hour shift on Saturday/Sunday! Little Emma is staying with the family, spending some good quality time with her dad, and enjoying the visits at granny (see photo!) while I am getting used to resuscitating, admitting, intubating, examining and diagnosing, and all the other weird and wonderful things that make up my working day...
Good news - I am officially starting to specialise in January, got my appointment letter on Friday and signed the acceptance letter today. Which means we can start counting sleeps until I am finished studying (although it is at the moment a dizzying total of 1484 days...)

I went for a great 8km run today! Fitting training in between work and family time is going to take a lot of effort but it is so worth it - I felt like a million bucks! There is nothing better under the sun to get rid of all worries...
... and Comrades is only 166 days and 8 hours away... ;)

Also planning to swim the Midmar mile in February (and use it as a good excuse to visit Emma's godparents in Hillcrest!! :) ), so I'll have to maybe fit in a few quick swims between now and then...

And just a last word - I CAN NOT BELIEVE it is the 8th of December, only 17 days till Christmas and only 23 days till 2009. The year 2008 just swept past me like a flash, and bowled me over completely (in a good way!). Wow...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back to work...

I started working again yesterday.
We are okay.
I am suviving, and Emma, I believe, is enjoying every moment of her dad and granny's special attention and company.
My heart is still very sore but I am sure it will get better - little by little every day.
I hope.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Emma Christening 9 November

Oh what a beautiful amazing special occasion...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

News update

Yes, November is almost gone, December is only a wink of an eye away, and my four months of maternity leave is history. I am still completely in denial about going back to work on Monday, but I suppose I will have to face reality at some stage...

We had a great month. Emma's christening was a wonderfully blessed day, will post the pictures over the weekend. At the moment we are still enjoying our sea-holiday, Emma has had her little toes in the sea (!) and looked too cute for words in her polka-dot bathing costume! I am relaxing, sleeping a lot, read three books in a few days, and generally just savouring the last few days with little Emma...
She is too adorable for words! She laughs, babbles, gurgles, coos, lifts her head, enjoys baby sit-ups, loves going on walks in her stroller, admires the trees outside the window from her car-seat, still sucks her thumb when she thinks we are not watching... I cannot explain the hugeness, the absolute overwhelming love that I feel for this little baby human being!

Picture update 2...

Picture update!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Anyone seen my tiger??

Keeping busy...

Today, we went Christmas shopping. It was a very successful outing except for my poor overloaded credit card... We went to the Unica market, and I was so impressed with all the beautiful things on sale! After more than two hours of browsing I just had to close my eyes and hand over that little piece of plastic... but I didn't really mind because I so much enjoy buying presents! I am seriously considering renting out my services as a professional buyer of gifts :)

Emma is growing so quickly. She now 'blows raspberries' (brrrrrs with her lips), babbles and coos a whole repertoire of different sounds, picks up her head and keeps it up, loves 'baby sit-ups', kicks the bath water all over the room... every day there is something new to discover and enjoy!
Tomorrow we are going for her 12 week immunisations - not the most enjoyable of outings but necessary...

And jumping to the topic of running, this past Saturday I managed to run 9km while Emma visited her grandparents. I was impressed! Didn't think I would be able to go that far but actually finished comfortably. Big plans, people! ;)

On Thursday I am having my job interview (for registrar post in 2009). Hold thumbs please!

And this weekend is going to be a busy one - on Sunday it is Emma's christening, and my friend Pia from Cape Town is visiting for the weekend as well as 'the original Emma' (my friend Emmie, where Emma got her name!). So we are going to have a great weekend of fun and excitement!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comrades countdown

206 days, 19 hours and 27 minutes...

Anyone that has ever experienced the event that is called the Comrades marathon will know that it is something that, somehow, takes hold of your soul. The feeling bubbles in your blood, the spirit becomes part of your heartbeat, the memory of elation gives you instant goosebumps... And now it is that time of year to commit or decide, to start the planning, to write up the training plans, to get jumpy with excitement, to find yourself suddenly smiling without reason and then remember... :)

Yesterday I managed to run 3km without needing a walk break. Today my legs feel like they ran 21km. I have a almost 3 month old baby, I am starting (hopefully!) to specialise in January, I have a family and a lot of family commitments, I do about 90-100 hours of overtime work every month, I will be working 2 out of 4 weekends...
Oh, how my heart yearns to commit!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Milestones this week!

Emma had an interesting week!!!

Had dinner at Primi Piatti with Margare (visiting from Ghana for a few weeks!)....

Went to the driving range...

Read a book... ;)

Wore her first pair of shoes...(!)

and met her godparents for the first time!!!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Yamika's first birthday!

On Saturday Emma's cousin Yamika had her first birthday party! It was a beautiful party and we had SUCH a good time!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Emma - 2 months old!!

2 months old today!

I cannot believe it has been almost a month since my last post! You would think with being on maternity leave and having 'lots of time' at home I would get to blogging more often... alas... But as from today I will make a concerted effort to post an update at least once a week - at the speed that Emma is growing and developing there will be more than enough weekly news!!

The past three weeks have been one big happy joyful time. I am enjoying motherhood more than I ever hoped! I find myself babbling and cooing and telling Emma 'stories' for what feels like hours... she is so cute and smily and full of surprising reactions I just can't stop! :) Since my last post she is now really babbling, almost making conversation - she makes a sound, I respond, and so we continue until she laughs out loud! I feel like my heart can burst with love for this little human being...

Concerning our activities, we are still going to our weekly postnatal classes, we started a baby-massage course (and enjoying EVERY moment of our daily massage time!!), we went to the movies three times (!), we visit the families, we go walking/jogging with Emma in her stroller... overall we are keeping quite busy! There is hardly a day without 'plans' :)

I am starting to feel more like my old active self. Still have about 7kgs to get rid of (and they seem to be quite reluctant to leave!) but I am exercising, trying to eat healthy and (inevitably, while breastfeeding) drink LOTS and LOTS of water. And I am definitely feeling better. My C-section scar has healed beautifully and I do not experience any pain while training. But oh my word, the belly... it is going to take WORK to get rid of the belly!!
Went swimming in the gym pool this week, after not doing any swimming training for some years(!).. and it felt surprisingly good! For those of you who do not know, I used to be quite a serious swimmer in my 'young days'... and it was a funny experience to be proud of finishing 1km of swimming when I used to average 5-7km per training session... But good! And then this afternoon I ran/walked 5km with Emma in the stroller, in less than 40minutes. So, I think there is hope! I am trying to get my dad to swim the Midmar mile with me in February 2009 (his idea originally!) and I might decide to join a friend to run the Two Oceans Half marathon in April. Comrades, well, that will have to wait for a next time, maybe 2010.

I am slowly but surely starting to face the reality of having to go back to work. Seven weeks... I cannot believe it is getting close enough to almost start counting down... But for the moment I am making 100% sure that I enjoy EVERY moment I spend with Emma, feeling very priviledged that I have maternity leave for four months, and not stressing too much yet. That time will come all too soon. Still in two minds about the whole issue of breastfeeding and working... Oh, the issues that a new mom ponders about in the wee hours of the morning...

Talk again SOON, and I will post a few new pics of my happy little smiling bundle of joy!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Just a quick update - Emma is smiling almost all the time... she is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Growing up!

Yes, we survived the 10 days without hubby/daddy and he is back from Zurich!! We went (with his parents) to pick him up from the airport this morning and it is unbelievably great to have him back and be a complete family again!!

The past 3 days we spent at my in-laws and we had a great time (despite missing hubby!). Emma is growing up incredibly quickly. She weighed 4,2kg's on Tuesday, is already 55cm long and she is really smiling!! (the picture shows but is it SO much nicer in real life!) At the moment she sleeps about one 5 to 6 hours stretch at night, and during the day she is much more awake and making conversation, smiling, looking around...

This coming weekend we are going on our first 'holiday' with little Emma! My family has a type of 'timeshare' in a house in Zebula (Mabalingwe) and we are joining them for an extended weekend away. Cannot wait!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time flies!!

I cannot believe Emma is 3 weeks old already!

We are doing great, she is growing, and I am adjusting to being a mom of a little vulnerable human being...

My hubby went overseas on Monday evening and will only be back next week Thursday, so for the moment I'm staying with my parents. I am really missing him, but it is fun being with my family and having lots of helping hands around... early in the morning my mom fetches her from my room (to give me an hour's extra sleep) and puts her into the bed with her granddad - it is so cute to see her sleeping in such a huge bed!

Today her cousin came to visit, we went for our customary Thursday-afternoon walk with the two of them in their strollers, and they were wearing the same outfit!! It was ADORABLE!! (see picture!)
I am slowly getting back in shape, cannot wait to start running again... think that I will start short runs in between the walking from next week. Comrades 2009... in 261 days... who knows...? :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Road racing!!

Yes! Yesterday we did the Spar Ladies 5km road race... more of a stroll... I think it took us an hour and 10 minutes!! But it was SUCH fun!!!
(And I am sure at 18 days little Emma was definitely the youngest finisher!!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The birth...

I have promised that I will write the 'birth story'... and now, 12 days later, it already feels like something from another time! But true to my promise... here is just a short version of what happened on the day that Emma arrived.

We couldn't sleep the night before, knowing that the next day will probably be 'the day' or b-day :) So we stayed up late, talking and bonding and wondering about the changes ahead...

Up early on the morning of the 12th, got dressed, decided to pack the 'labour bag' in case, but left the hospital bag and baby's bag at home. Driving to the hospital, all butterfly-stomach and jittery and giggly... (I giggle when I stress!) And on arrival we were the first patients of the morning so into the office we go...

Let me explain at this point that I really really expected that we would try induction of labour. I knew that the previous week thing weren't yet 'favourable', but I thought that passing 40 weeks gestation it would've started happening! So, when I was lying there all vulnerable (as vulnerable as one can feel with a belly as huge as mount Everest!) and the doctor told us that this baby was not planning to come the normal way, well... no surprises there...
I was REALLY disappointed. Really, truly, deeply disappointed. At that stage all we knew was that the little monkey's head did not descend at all - we didn't know yet what the reason was. So after shedding a few tears and taking a DEEP breath, I begged the doctor if we could PLEASE at least do the c-section the same day. I had no power left, I could not wait till the next day.

So, before you could say 'baby!', I was booked for c-section for 11h15 the same morning, and we had 45 minutes to quickly fetch the bags from home. Walking out of the doctor's office we found my dad sitting in the coffee shop of the hospital, waiting to hear what the plan was. I was so glad to see him I burst into tears again! My mom joined us, they had coffee but I wasn't allowed to eat/drink anything so we left for home. I still had time to stop by the hairdresser for a quick blow-wave (hehe!) and then we were there in the labour ward being admitted, baby's heart rate checked, stepping on the scale (and nearly having a last-minute heart attack!), and then going to my room awaiting the procedure...

Those last few minutes waiting for things to start happening - in my little tiny hospital gown, giggling and unable to sit still - felt like ages!

Then the few unpleasant procedures preceding the big one - IV line and catheter (eeeek!)... and we were off! Being wheeled to theatre - how many times have I been on the 'other side' ... this time I was the PATIENT! And it was... quite scary!

The spinal was a bit unpleasant but the anaesthetist was quick and efficient. Then I was lying down, legs going numb, still giggling(!!), my mom was there (photographer this time, not paediatrician), hubby was next to me looking smashingly handsome in his scrubs :)...
and the next thing...
the cry!
my own baby's first cry!!!!
I couldn't stop the tears flowing for joy!!!!

It is a moment you cannot describe.
So, I won't even try, except for saying that it was completely and utterly overwhelmingly WOW.

My first glimpse of little Emma was just a purple little face, but she quickly turned pink, new daddy cut her umbilical cord, she was examined by the paeds dr and given Apgars of 9 and 10, and then she was there on my chest and the moment was so huge I could feel my heart exploding out of my chest! She was alert, already looking at me, and I was bursting with joy...

The rest of the day went by in a blur of excited faces, flowers, smiles, a bit of pain (it was an operation after all!), and before I knew it night had fallen and I was alone with my little tiny bundle of joy.
What a feeling!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our first stroller-outing!

Today I took the monkey out for her first walk in her cool three-wheeler jogger/stroller! We joined grandma, 'auntie' Cara and cousin Yamika for their weekly walk - about 3km! :) It was SO nice to be outside and active, and little Emma was quietly sleeping all the way - I'm sure she enjoyed it! She looked really adorable in her fluffy white 'monkey-suit' and her 'medi-twinkle' beanie...
Next week Saturday we're doing the Spar Ladies 5km walk (all the women of the family!), looking forward to it being the first of many walking/running events with the monkey!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One week old today!

Emma is one week old already! I can't believe it has been a whole week...

I still have to tell the whole birth-story but for tonight just a quick update. We are doing great! Emma is a calm baby, content most of the time, sleeps well and cries only when she is hungry (or when her nappy is really dirty...) She usually gets hungry every 3 to 4 hours and in between she is mostly asleep, although there is times when she is alert and awake without crying and she loves to look around with the cutest expressions on her little face... She is SO cute!! When she looks at me she looks really deep into my eyes and gets a little frown from concentrating so hard :) it makes me laugh! She loves looking at people's faces and she is already following movement and sound. It also looks as if she is smiling at me every now and then, even though I know she cannot possibly be really smiling yet!
She loves sleeping in her daddy's arms and he is the expert when it comes to bath-time!

Yesterday we went for a walk to granny's house (just around the corner) with Emma in her baby-sense sling, and today we went to visit tannie Sarette (also in the sling) - Emma loves it! She falls asleep almost immediately and stays quiet all the time while I'm carrying her.

I cannot wait to go for a proper walk with her in her 3-wheeler-stroller, hopefully on Thursday afternoon we will join granny, auntie Cara and cousin Yamika for a walk, providing that the weather improves! I promise to take pictures if it happens! :)

That's all for now, will post the birth-story soon! Now it's time for a feed and then bed...

Baby pics, at last!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Time to meet the monkey!

Emma Büchner was born on 12 August at 11h25. I had a caesarean section because her head didn't descend, at time of her delivery we realised that it was because the umbilical cord was around her neck, which means that she wouldn't have been able to take the 'normal route'.

She weighed 3,6kg and is 100% healthy and a perfect little human being...

We came home from the hospital yesterday and are still busy adjusting, so far it has been very successful :) I just get tired quite quickly and it feels like there is not enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Enjoy the pics, next time I'll elaborate a bit more about the birth and the hospital stay.

Lots of love!

Ané and little monkey Emma

Monday, August 11, 2008

Maybe tomorrow, baby!

Monday the 11th, another week starts with monkey very happy in my tummy! :)

We had a nice quiet weekend, slept late, had a very enjoyable woman's day breakfast with my parents on Saturday, and a proper 'braaivleis en kuier' with all the 'oumas en oupas' to be on Saturday evening. Sunday was just a quiet day at home - definitely (may I say!) our last Sunday as a couple without a monkey...

Tomorrow morning we are going to decide on a game plan. I am definitely not waiting another week...! If the gynae agrees we will try induction (I really really really hope we can give it a shot!) otherwise we will maybe have to go for the c-section option. But we are officially past our date now, and we are ready for action.

So, my friends....


when I write my next post...

it will be with baby pics!

Lets hold thumbs please...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Due date??

Today is Friday 8 August (8/8/2008) and according to dates today is our official due date - we are now 40 weeks. Still, the monkey is happy to stay where she is - and another Friday arrives without any baby pics...

I had two busy days (enjoying all my 'plans'!) - on Wednesday I spent the morning driving around and shopping with a friend, and then went with hubby to buy dinner at Subway on Hatfield Square :) what a weird experience! We were still sitting at home watching TV and the next moment he said he is really in the mood for a Subway sub (they used to buy it a lot when he was on contract in Bahrain), so we decided 'why not?', got into the car and drove to Hatfield. Unfortunately we had no idea where the shop was, so we had to 'phone a friend' first! :) But it was worth it - a footlong sub and a subway cookie later we were quite satisfied... :)

Yesterday morning I went to watch 'Miss Pettigrew lives for a day' at Cinema Nouveau. It was SO ENJOYABLE!!! :)
Just a feel-good, funny, well-casted and easy-to-watch enjoyable movie. I would really encourage anyone to go and watch it - even those who are not seasoned Cinema Nouveau fans. Good relaxation!
After the movie I joined my in-laws for a special lunch (my mother in law had a special friend visiting from Cape Town), and after that I had a quick visit with my own family (mom and sisters and niece) - a day full of plans! But a lot of fun :)

I slept a bit better last night, the past few nights I've been have bad cramping in my hips and lower back. Think my whole body is getting a bit fed-up with all the extra weight, the relaxed ligaments and the general sense of not having balance. I just wish the monkey could also get the message!
But, while she's happy and comfy inside I am taking it easy.

For today I don't have big plans, I really need to get a bit of studying done, then I'm definitely going to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, and we'll fit in another walk late afternoon...
and we wait...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Still no sign of labour coming closer

This morning early I got a phone call from my gynae - she is going away for the weekend and she wanted to see me today to assess whether we could (?should) consider inducing labour before the weekend. We are now 39 weeks and 4 days so it made sense - the chances are there that labour may happen over the weekend and believe me, it is not really an experience I would like to go through with a complete stranger assisting...

Any case, I started mentally preparing myself for the possibility that tomorrow may just be the official arrival day... just to find out that this little monkey has not even remotely started considering being born. (wow, what a sentence!) What I am trying to say is that, after careful examination etc, the conclusion was that my body is not even close to going into labour yet. Should we attempt induction it is most likely to fail, and end up in a c-section, which I have been trying really hard to avoid.

So, understandably, I am a bit apprehensive about waiting another week but it seems as if it is the only option. If nothing has happened by next week Tuesday 08h00, we will have to reconsider and maybe even consider a c-section. Mmm.

On the bright side, monkey still seems to be happy and comfortable where she is, estimated weight 3,28kg and all else fine with her. So no reason to worry that she will be affected by our decision to wait another week. Will update if there is any news...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Planning my week!

Good morning on another Monday without the monkey...!
Last night I read on some random website that the best thing to do these last few days is to have PLANS! So, this morning I got up with a head full of plans :)
The first on 'the list' was to go and watch a movie. So I went and watched 'Bella' this morning at 09h30. It was...
And I cried my eyes out! I don't think I have ever cried in a movie like I did this morning! (and I am one of those people who normally cries in 9/10 movies!)
It was such a special Monday-morning experience.

So, for the rest of today (this is after washing dishes, doing laundry and updating email/blog) I am planning a good study session, a quick afternoon nap ;) and getting a bit of fresh (suddenly wintry again!) air with a nice brisk stroll round the neighbourhood :)

And providing nothing (?un)expected happens, I may just fit in another early-morning Cinema Nouveau movie tomorrow!

Friday, August 1, 2008


It is Friday, the 1st of August, and it would seem as if the monkey has decided to be an August baby... July is officialy over! We went to the doctor yesterday - monkey is still growing well and seems to be very happy and thriving in the slowly-shrinking-darkness where she is currently determined to stay! :)
Anyways! Went to watch a movie this morning with a good friend (who also happens to be pregnant!) and the two of us together managed to attract quite a few smiles and bemused looks (yes, at the moment I definitely look a full 39 weeks!!)... the waitress in the coffee shop could not stop smiling!
Spent some quality time with hubby this week catching up on dvd's and also went to see the new Batman movie (wow, impressive!), managed to get some efficient studying done, and went for three 3+ km walks... lets hope by next week Friday I'll be posting some real baby-pics...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Update... but no news yet...

Wednesday and still no signs of impending labour...
I suppose I am a bit too impatient - we are not quite 39 weeks yet but I reallly am wondering when this thing will start happening!!
Sleeping at night is getting to be a bit of a mission - with turning around and the massive belly in the way, getting up to go to the bathroom at least 3/4 times a night...
Oh well, the joys of pregnancy!
We will be going to the doctor tomorrow, hopefully she has some good news...

Saturday, July 26, 2008


It is Saturday afternoon and after about 3 hours of studying I am now allowing myself to RELAX! :) The past two days have been quiet and calm, no signs of labour yet...

Yesterday morning we moved my massive book-case out of the baby room and into the study, so now the room belongs 100% to the new little one. It is already looking beautiful - a true 'family-project' with furniture made by the granddad-to-be, curtains by the granny-to-be, and linen, blankets, pillows etc by other family members!

My mom and sister Cara - justifiably proud of the beautiful curtains!! :)
Otherwise not much news, waiting patiently for the unpredictable moment to arrive...
Will keep you up to date!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Expecting Emma...

Today is Thursday 24 July and we are almost 38 weeks pregnant...
I am expecting my first little one, a baby girl we decided to give the precious name of Emma :) and we cannot wait to meet her!! I stopped working last week Friday (exiting with a 24-hour shift!) and now we are rested and ready for action!

Up to now I had a really 'easy' pregnancy, and have nothing to complain about aside from the 'normal' niggles (being huge and uncomfortable!). We are planning a normal delivery, and quite excited about it except for the unpredictability which is, at times, a bit unnerving... I really hope that we won't have to wait until the expected date (which is around the 8th of August)...
This is me with my huge belly ;) ...

And this is me with my three sisters (pic taken at my baby-shower)...

Hopefully I'll be able to post pics of the little monkey really soon :) until then you'll have to be content with 'the belly'...

Will keep you up to date with any news!