Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Still no sign of labour coming closer

This morning early I got a phone call from my gynae - she is going away for the weekend and she wanted to see me today to assess whether we could (?should) consider inducing labour before the weekend. We are now 39 weeks and 4 days so it made sense - the chances are there that labour may happen over the weekend and believe me, it is not really an experience I would like to go through with a complete stranger assisting...

Any case, I started mentally preparing myself for the possibility that tomorrow may just be the official arrival day... just to find out that this little monkey has not even remotely started considering being born. (wow, what a sentence!) What I am trying to say is that, after careful examination etc, the conclusion was that my body is not even close to going into labour yet. Should we attempt induction it is most likely to fail, and end up in a c-section, which I have been trying really hard to avoid.

So, understandably, I am a bit apprehensive about waiting another week but it seems as if it is the only option. If nothing has happened by next week Tuesday 08h00, we will have to reconsider and maybe even consider a c-section. Mmm.

On the bright side, monkey still seems to be happy and comfortable where she is, estimated weight 3,28kg and all else fine with her. So no reason to worry that she will be affected by our decision to wait another week. Will update if there is any news...

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