Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Keeping busy...

Today, we went Christmas shopping. It was a very successful outing except for my poor overloaded credit card... We went to the Unica market, and I was so impressed with all the beautiful things on sale! After more than two hours of browsing I just had to close my eyes and hand over that little piece of plastic... but I didn't really mind because I so much enjoy buying presents! I am seriously considering renting out my services as a professional buyer of gifts :)

Emma is growing so quickly. She now 'blows raspberries' (brrrrrs with her lips), babbles and coos a whole repertoire of different sounds, picks up her head and keeps it up, loves 'baby sit-ups', kicks the bath water all over the room... every day there is something new to discover and enjoy!
Tomorrow we are going for her 12 week immunisations - not the most enjoyable of outings but necessary...

And jumping to the topic of running, this past Saturday I managed to run 9km while Emma visited her grandparents. I was impressed! Didn't think I would be able to go that far but actually finished comfortably. Big plans, people! ;)

On Thursday I am having my job interview (for registrar post in 2009). Hold thumbs please!

And this weekend is going to be a busy one - on Sunday it is Emma's christening, and my friend Pia from Cape Town is visiting for the weekend as well as 'the original Emma' (my friend Emmie, where Emma got her name!). So we are going to have a great weekend of fun and excitement!

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