Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our first stroller-outing!

Today I took the monkey out for her first walk in her cool three-wheeler jogger/stroller! We joined grandma, 'auntie' Cara and cousin Yamika for their weekly walk - about 3km! :) It was SO nice to be outside and active, and little Emma was quietly sleeping all the way - I'm sure she enjoyed it! She looked really adorable in her fluffy white 'monkey-suit' and her 'medi-twinkle' beanie...
Next week Saturday we're doing the Spar Ladies 5km walk (all the women of the family!), looking forward to it being the first of many walking/running events with the monkey!

1 comment:

star dust said...

Ag Ane, jou blog lees vreeslik lekker! So bly jy kry tyd so af en toe ietsie te skryf. Keep us posted.
Baie liefde.