Monday, August 4, 2008

Planning my week!

Good morning on another Monday without the monkey...!
Last night I read on some random website that the best thing to do these last few days is to have PLANS! So, this morning I got up with a head full of plans :)
The first on 'the list' was to go and watch a movie. So I went and watched 'Bella' this morning at 09h30. It was...
And I cried my eyes out! I don't think I have ever cried in a movie like I did this morning! (and I am one of those people who normally cries in 9/10 movies!)
It was such a special Monday-morning experience.

So, for the rest of today (this is after washing dishes, doing laundry and updating email/blog) I am planning a good study session, a quick afternoon nap ;) and getting a bit of fresh (suddenly wintry again!) air with a nice brisk stroll round the neighbourhood :)

And providing nothing (?un)expected happens, I may just fit in another early-morning Cinema Nouveau movie tomorrow!

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