Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I had a unusually quiet call Sunday night - only 3 C-sections and one admission, a little 960g baby who luckily did not need ventilation. In between I managed to get in an uninterrupted block of four hours' sleep. And for those who think that on-call sleep is never quite as good as 'the real thing' - wait until you have a baby at home! Suddenly the bed in the dark recesses behind the labour ward, still with the same bed linen as three calls ago (two weeks?) allows me to fall into the deepest most enjoyable sleep.. even if it only lasts a few minutes or hours.

So for a change the post-call afternoon yesterday was not spent all grumpy trying to catch up on lost (forever?) sleep. Hubby was also at home, and we decided to take the monkey on a lunch-date. It included a stroll through the mall and a very tasty lunch - we ate while Emma charmed all the waiters and the chef with her million-dollar (toothless) smile :). And the stroll (as always) included a visit to the bookshop...

I have to confess, I am addicted to books. There are times when I just don't allow myself to walk past my favourite bookshop (usually when the budget gets extremely tight) but these times usually do not last more than a few weeks. Yesterday, luckily, I had a few hundred rand in vouchers to indulge myself... and it was hugely satisfying to pay R8 (the amount that remained) for three brand-new books. Now just to get the time to read them, and the other 20-something books stacked on my to-read-pile...

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