Monday, April 20, 2009

We will always remember you

My friend
my little one
my girl

you were my patient but so much more
you had a beautiful soul
you were wise way beyond your years
you knew too much grief
but you were still filled with joy
you taught me compassion again
and empathy
your soul connected with mine
despite our hugely different backgrounds
you were always filled with hope
and you inspired those around you

i remember your hugs, your little hands, your eyes and your smile
you were a gem, a sparkle, a joy
you enriched my days
over and over again

and when the end came nearer you struggled
you kept hanging on
you did not want to let go

but today
your soul waved a final goodbye
swept away
forever to be free
of pain
free of nightmares
free of suffering

and here on earth we smiled through our tears
we were grieved
but happy
knowing that wherever you are now
you are happy
your memory will always be with us
and through our tears
we will remember you
with joy

1 comment:

emma_willgo said...

ai ane. ek het hierdie dogtertjie se laaste daggies saam met jou gevolg. die absolute deernis waarmee jy jou werk benader, is inspirerend. en tog slaag jy daarin om deur dit alles 'n doelgerigte dokter te wees wat jou nie deur enigiets laat onderkry nie.
emma is 'n baie geseende kleinding. ek is opgewonde oor die mens waarin sy ontwikkel!